Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma Organization International
━ Welcome to Accoi
ACCOI is dedicated to ensuring those impacted by ACC are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by community, and supported throughout their journey.

━ Understanding your Diagnosis
The ACC Journey

About ACC
Explore FAQs about ACC, review the list of experienced ACC physicians and become inspired by other stories of hope.

Learn about the complexities of ACC through understanding your diagnosis, anatomy and staging.

Treatment Options
Learn about available exams, biopsy, imaging and more after being diagnosed with ACC.

Patient Resources
Find resources tailored to your journey including housing, transportation, financial, survivorship and careers after cancer.
━ get in touch
Join Our Community
━ their own words
Stories of Hope
It is now 2023, and I am almost 33 years out, with no recurrence and no metastasis. I credit my surgeon for having the courage to get the cancer out and my lifestyle changes to stack the deck in my favor. I believe that we are responsible to do our best to stay healthy.
Alder Allensworth
I became stronger than ever! We all did! You showed me just how strong I really am. You showed me and others the power of love, hope and community. You showed me angels on this Earth walking among us, some of whom were complete strangers to me until now.
Matthew Gagnon
This disease is part of my life, but it’s not the definition of my life. I’m clumsily navigating the physical and emotional sea of cancer, but I’ve got people sailing with me.
Amy Wilson
The cancer could have grown a lot worse if I hadn’t found it and if my doctor had not been so careful. I don’t feel sad or bitter about ACC. I have already lived a longer and more comfortable life than most human beings who have ever lived.
Alan Walker

━ we're here to help
Finding Your Community
Learn about upcoming ACCOI events and opportunities to meet other patients and loved ones.
Explore the different online community forums including Facebook and Google Groups.
Support our community by organizing an online fundraiser or donating on behalf of a loved one.
About Us
Discover more about the history of ACCOI and meet the current board leading the organization.